Mise-en-scene is putting into the scene in french and in film term means the look and feel of the scene and shots. the elements that are spoken and thought about under Mise-en-scene are:
Cinematography is basically the photography of the shots and scenes in the film and includes elements such as:
The framing
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Different shot sizes. lesliewand. ' Framing and composition'. Available at: http://www.lesliewand.com.au/video_course/video_course_notes_2.htm |
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Matilda - Miss Trunchball low angle to make her look powerful and scary. makinguseofmydegree,2012.'halloween special' Oct, 6th. available at: http://makinguseofmydegree.wordpress.com/2012/10/06/halloween-special-demon-children/ |
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Matilda - Young Matilda High angle, making her look inferior and weak. Ursi's media blog,2012.'Evaulation',Feb,29th. Available at: http://tollidaybollandu.wordpress.com/tag/social-groups/ |
All of the elements of mise-en-scene and cinematography contribute to how the scene is portrayed to the viewer and can change emotion and importance of the features within the shot. We watched the short film, 'Wasp', to analyse the mise-en-cine and cinematography. I have seen this short before and thoroughly enjoy it due to it's gritty reality which is a genre that may not be portrayed well if it wasn't for the cinematography and Mise-en-scene.
Wasp Cinematography and Mise-En-Scene Analyse.
The short film is set in a realistic run down area which we see through the shots of the block council flats and rough-looking dogs, along with the graffiti street signs, which we see visually through establishing shots of the flats and close ups on the street signs, making the audience concentrate on the shot as a relevant shot to the scene setting. We can see that this single mum is struggling with money from firstly the location and then the props in which we see the cupboards with little food and the nearly empty sugar bag which the kids are mesmerised by. This brings us to the performance of the actresses, with the children looking so closely at this sugar bag, it strikes the audience emotionally showing how bad their situation is. this emotion is also portrayed through the shot sizes with CU's cutting from the sugar to the little girls eyes. The costume portrays that the family are slightly rough with the opening scene showing them in nighties, running into the streets and the baby half dressed with no nappy on. Also the hair is un-washed and scruffy and the woman has no make-up on or shoes. The Lighting throughout is quite bland with no over-exposure. The cinematography within the film really emphasises on the realism genre with a constant hand-held camera following the family, which also makes the viewer feel part of the action and emotionally involved. All the takes are quite long and fit well rhythmically together. Also the depth of field mainly consists of full focus, showing everything within the scene, however, some CU shots involve only the foreground element in focus, such as the young girl, to portray the importance of the girls emotional reaction to the action.
Ketuna1001,2012.'Andrea Arnold-wasp(part 1)'.'Youtube', Feb, 19th. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aJjj8v3xVs
Ketuna1001,2012.'Andrea Arnold-wasp(part 2)'.'Youtube', Feb, 19th. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO_BeyH5Y1o&feature=fvwrel
Wilson.K,2011.'mediaknowitall' Available at: http://www.mediaknowall.com/camangles.html
Bordwell & Thompson,2013.'Film Art'.'Chapter 5 The shot: Cinematography.
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