Other features of the film that targets it as a western includes the use of sound, with the gun shots and non-diegetic stereotypical western soundtracks. Along with the symbolic sound representing a western, I also noticed that most westerns are set in a distant past period, with Django Unchained picking up on the cowboy hats and guns, along with the history of black slavery with the movie being set in 1858.
Leonardo Dicaprio plays the bad guy, Calvin Candie, in which in preparing for this role, Jamie Foxx quoted on The Ellen DeGeneres show that Dicaprio would ignore Foxx when on set to get into his nasty racist character.

This shows that Tarantino has experience from the blood and clever fight scenes needed for a good western. This picture shows the sized room used for the complex shooting scene which is similar to he highly complex fight scene in Kill Bill.

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